Graduate School VMAS


  • Application can only be done by using provided web-forms.

  • The application does not mean that you are admitted to the course/seminar/workshop. Confirmation of your admission will be sent to you at least three weeks before the start date.

P000042 Analysis of Genomes 7,5 hp

P000042/2024, Uppsala, 2024-09-02

If You lack Swedish Personal id number but have a Temporary registration number ("T-number") please enter it in the box above. Otherwise enter your date of birth and use four zeros at the end (yymmdd0000, e.g. 7811230000).

Förkunskapskrav / Entry requirements
Admitted to a postgraduate program in animal science, biology, veterinary medicine, food science, nutrition, nursing, or related subjects, or to a residency program in veterinary science.