Enheten för pedagogisk utveckling (EPU)


Educating for critical thinking and criticality (2 weeks)

Critical thinking and a critical approach are important recurring themes in higher education. In the goals for degree programmes listed in the Higher Education Ordinance, different forms of criticality are ubiquitous, and within academia, critical approaches and critical thinking are taken for granted. But what does taking a critical approach really mean? Can one think critically in different ways? Why is criticality important? And not the least: what is needed for education to contribute to the development of a critical approach? Or, can education, under certain circumstances, even inhibit critical abilities? In this course, participants will work with different perspectives on what it means to be critical and take a critical stance. We will also reflect about how we as teachers can contribute to the development of students' - and our own - possibilities to be critical and think and act critically.

Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, participants should be able to:

  • Discuss varying kinds of criticality
  • Suggest some conditions necessary for education to stimulate students' critical development
  • Reflect upon the application of several different critical perspectives in a given context.

This course corresponds to two weeks of full-time studies.

For admission to this course you must have completed Teaching in higher education, basic course or similar course in teaching and learning.

Cost for this course: 4000 kr



Critical thinking 24:2
Course date
13 Sep, 10 Oct, 8 Nov 2024 (at Campus Ultuna)
Last application day


Critical thinking 25.1
In Zoom
Course leader
Alexandra D’Urso
Course date
12 February, 10 March, 10 April, 6 May - online (10.00-15.00)
Last application day