Graduate School VMAS


Analysis of Genomes 7,5 hp

The course is based on lectures, group discussions, exercises, and wet laboratory. The contents build largely on animal genome research. Theoretical teaching is for the most part directly applicable also within for example human or plant genetics. Genome science is rapidly evolving, and the course is based on current state-of-the-art methodology and research.

A large part of the course involves wet laboratory training including exercises and a laboratory project.

Computer exercises and group discussions will cover:
-genome sequence variation,
-genome browsing,
-primer design,
-sequence analysis,
-high throughput sequencing methodology

The aim of the computer exercises is to give the students useful tools for basic genetic and genomic analyses. Therefore, the computer exercises use free and open-source software that the student can download and use on their own laptop. In addition to the written and the oral examination, compulsory components occur within eg. exercises, group assignments and laboratory sessions.

7,5 hp

Admitted to a postgraduate program in animal science, biology, veterinary medicine, food science, nutrition, nursing, or related subjects, or to a residency program in veterinary science.

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Course leader
Sofia Mikko
Course date
2 Sep - 31th Oct 2024
Last application day